Minor Usability Adjustments and Improvements.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better user experience of the app.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better user experience of the application.
Fix in login.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better user experience of the app.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better user experience of the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better user experience of the application.
File upload fixes.
File upload fixes.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better user experience of the application. Social Name display configuration.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better user experience of the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better user experience of the application.
Download of Social Assessment Reports.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better user experience of the application.
See where to find INSS services with multisensory rooms
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better user experience of the application.
See where to find INSS services with multisensory rooms
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better user experience of the application.
New consultation of Term of Adhesion to Association or Union discount.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better user experience of the application.
New consultation of Term of Adhesion to Association or Union discount.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better user experience of the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better user experience of the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better user experience of the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application. New Proof of Life.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application. New BPC Review consultation.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application. New BPC Review consultation.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application. New Benefit Information Statement.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Tweaks and improvements to offer a better app usage experience.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Adjustments and improvements to offer a better experience using the application.
Ajustes e melhorias para oferecer uma melhor experiência de uso do aplicativo.
Ajustes e melhorias para oferecer uma melhor experiência de uso do aplicativo.
Ajustes e melhorias para oferecer uma melhor experiência de uso do aplicativo.
Ajustes e melhorias para oferecer uma melhor experiência de uso do aplicativo.
Novo Certificado da Pessoa com Deficiência para beneficiários com Benefício de Prestação Continuada - BPC (Lei n° 8.742/1993) ou Aposentadoria da Pessoa com Deficiência (Lei Complementar n° 142/2013).
Disponibilização do calendário de pagamento de benefícios 2021.
- Ajustes no fluxo do Prova de Vida Digital;
- Ajustes no Resultado de Benefício por Incapacidade;
- Validação da conta gov.br à partir do Meu INSS através de SMS.
- Ajuste no fluxo do serviço Prova de Vida.
- Ajustes no fluxo de requerimentos de BI com atestado
- Correções de falhas.
- Destaque para o serviço Validação Facultativo Baixa Renda
- Correções de erros.
Nesta versão estamos disponibilizando:
- Evolução no Simulador de Aposentadoria;
- Emissão da Declaração de Atividade;
- Remarcação de perícia;
- Correção de erros e melhorias.
Correção da reabertura gradual das agências do INSS
Realize sua prova de vida sem sair de casa, de forma segura, prática e confiável. Comprove vida através do uso da biometria facial, previamente cadastrada no TSE e no DENATRAN.
Resolva as exigências dos seus requerimentos sem sair de casa anexando os documentos necessários direto na tela da solicitação.
Conheça a Helô, assistente virtual para tirar dúvidas sobre serviços oferecidos pelo INSS
Conheça a Helô, assistente virtual para tirar dúvidas sobre serviços oferecidos pelo INSS